The back yard full of snow, yes, snow... Aiden playing in the snow, doing his happy toddler dance... Jo, Carmen, and Suzy at the annual Holiday dinner...
Carmen and Mindy at the same dinner... Aiden "helping" with the christmas lights...
We attended our Christmas party at our church back in December. When the children went up front to do their Christmas performance, Aiden rushed up to join them. It didn't matter to him that no one had invited him! He saw kids and figured that he should be right in the middle of them. When he saw that they were facing the audience, he turned that way too and then proceeded to give his own performance. He may not have known the words to the songs, but he sang with all his heart and voice!! It was too funny for words!!
We, as all project doers do, ran into problems during our bedroom transformation. I had picked a faux paint technique to do on two of our four walls. The other two walls would be a solid green a shade darker than the top coat of the faux treatment. The treatment called for a neutral colored base coat. We chose a lovely warm tannish brown. The idea was to use a whisk broom to create subtle striping in the top coat. I'm thinking like a slight bamboo effect. Well, that's not what it looked like. Our "subtle" striping looked like a very, very, very bad paint job. Hence, the top photo....Needless to say, after all that hard work, I decided to scrap the whole technique idea and go with a solid color. I decided to stick with the darker green.
For my Christmas present, I decided that I wanted to re-do our bedroom. It was a red, white, and blue motif of Texas and American flags. Needless to say, I decided to go for a more sophisticated look. So, my mom and grandma offered to watch Aiden a few days after Christmas, so that Olen and I could come home and paint. The bottom photo is Olen pretending to be enjoying painting. ;-P The top photo is of the base coat that looked good, but ended up being completely covered up before the end of the process. Oh well.