Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Precious Time

Time is precious lately. I have a two month old baby. It doesn't seem like he should be that old just yet. He's our first child, so the whole experience is new to my husband and I. Finding time to do pretty much anything has been a real challenge.
I've been working as a banker for almost fourteen years. A lot of my job I could do with both hands tied behind my back I felt confident and assured that I knew what I was doing. With Aiden, it's learning a whole new job that changes daily. Confidence and assurance went out the window. The first thing that I learned, after how to change a diaper, is that time is very precious. Time to eat, time to sleep, time to see the outside world-these are sometimes rare. You have to learn to make the most of the little time that you have.
Not long after my son was born, a friend of my mother's lost her 26 year old son in a freak accident. His plane crashed on a routine flight into Aspen. She recently sent an email describing how certain times of the day were harder for her than others because those were the times that he would come home. It just reminded me that every moment with my son is precious.
My son is getter bigger every day. There are days that I feel he grew overnight. I've been trying to enjoy each moment as it comes whether it comes with tears or joy. I've been told that children grow fast and I'm taking the time now to enjoy each stage as it comes along. Though sometimes it's hard to enjoy Aiden when he's screaming, I know that there will be a time when he's late coming home late and I will be missing these days when he couldn't go anywhere without me. These are the days that I know that he's safe in my arms. The cool thing is that even when the times come that I won't be able to protect him from the world. His heavenly Father can. How precious is that!

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