Friday, June 22, 2007

Story lines

I love playing with my blog. I have figured out how to add different features. Most of the ideas I have stolen from another friend of mine. (kudos to Tab) I'm not a very creative person on my own. However, I'm really good at taking someone else's idea and making it my own. My husband (God bless him) believes that I'm an extremely creative person. He finds it fascinating that I have a story line in my head that I create. It's been going on for years and loops back in on itself time and time again. Only I understand the ins and outs of all the characters and even I forget them sometimes. Some characters I try to reintroduce later and I have to give them new names because I have forgotten the old ones! What I love about the characters in my head is that I can make them do exactly what I want them to do. Real life is not like that at all. If it was, my husband would clean up after himself. The baby would always be smiling. It would be sunny every time I wanted to go somewhere. But, in some ways, I'm glad that real life is not like my story line. For a good story, there must be conflict. And in my head, the conflicts sometimes come fast and furious so that my characters can respond heroically to their circumstances. Real life is usually more peaceful. When I was alot younger, I used to watch soaps. They always reminded me that my life was actually going pretty well, at least in comparison it was. You see, in real life, my husband is faithful and loving. My baby is really mine. We're all healthy. No one wants to destroy us. Our friends are always there for us. Yup, life's pretty darn good. In fact, I hear life calling right now. Or maybe that's just Aiden...

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