My mom and her dog, Judah, came for a visit this past weekend. She awoke Friday morning to discover that her a.c. was not working. Mind you, it is July, in Houston. The A.C. people said that they could come out on Saturday, so she came up here to sleep in lovely airconditioned luxury. Well, as luxurious as it can get when a baby is sharing the room with you. She brought a present for Aiden (of course). It's a cute baby-sized armchair. We had seen a baby-sized sofa at the library recently. And Aiden just loved climbing up into it. So, of course, his grandma decided that he must have one of his own. He looks so cute in it!

Judah got jealous of all the attention that the baby was getting. He took matters into his own hands...err, paws...and climbed into Aiden's chair. He apparently thought that it was just his size as well!

One other incident over the weekend. My mom helped change Aiden's diaper quite a few times over the weekend. Well, one of those times she didn't get the diaper fastened very well and it fell off. Aiden helped by pulling it all the way off and handing it to his grandma!
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