1 I waited patiently for the LORD;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
I don't know about you, but I'm not a patient person. Especially when it comes to a fussy baby. The other day I went to a friend's house. Usually, Aiden loves to go over there. She has five kids that love to entertain him. This time, he started crying as soon as we walked in the door and rarely stopped. If I left the room, he would scream. Yes, my little angel screams. Loudly! Nothing would get him to stop except my holding him. It got old fast. Very fast. By the time we got home, mommy and baby were on the verge of tears. I got him to take a small nap while mommy hid in her bedroom. When Olen came home, he gave Aiden some gas drops. Within a half-hour, he was a happier baby. Kinda makes you sick. I discovered later that he also had a tooth coming in at the same time. He felt bad and wanted mommy to convince him that everything was alright. After that day, I was ready for a mommy vacation. I'm just glad that God doesn't want to run away when I cry! Think about it...there are times when we cry and we don't even know why. It's enough to make us want to run away from ourselves. Yet, God turns to us. And listens. That's pretty amazing.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
New Ride-on Toy

Aiden and Jake are getting along famously. Aiden offers his food to Jake; Jake lets Aiden use him as a toy. Most of the time, Jake enjoys the attention. Some times he moves away. Either way, Aiden loves him. He loves to use Jake as a pillow. They're becoming best buddies. The last picture is from the garage sale.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Pics from the Party

Yes, they're here. The long awaited pictures from the birthday party. I put some of the ones that are not in the slide show. I even have the customary cake all over the face picture. Aiden wasn't sure, at first, about all these people invading his home. He clung close to Grandma for security. He eventually began to mingle. He loved watching the kids play. He also loved having as much cake as he wanted. He likes chocolate cake. Thanks to all who came!
Go, Cheetah Girl!!
Go, Sabrina! I love watching Dancing with the Stars. I like to pretend that I can move like that. Every year the one who makes us smile the most is the one who wins. Based on that, Sabrina has a great chance to win. I just loved watching her and Mark's routine. I voted for her 4 times. I also have watched it four times!! Watch and vote!! The men are on tonight. I can't wait!
Monday, September 24, 2007
CSI Miami
I am way, way excited. It's two and a half hours until the season premiere of CSI Miami. I miss Horatio, Calleigh, and all the others. I've been in withdrawal. It's starting to be a desparate situation. Two hours and twenty-nine minutes....It's coming. Slowly. Ah. Two hours and twenty-eight minutes....AAHHHGGGG. Time only flies when you're having fun. Time flies like a banana (Groucho Marx) I have a friend who threw a banana at a guest who came in once. Hit him in the face. It was funny. Too bad they're not here. I have bananas.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Garage Sale
Olen took off a couple of days this week. He held a garage sale to clean out the garage some. I don't know what's more sad: the stuff we put out to sell that was so junky that I was surprised that anyone wanted it or the stuff that I was too much of a pack-rat to give up! There were boxes of clothes that I just loved that I vow that one day I'll get back into. There were bunches of papers and nick-nacks that I should probably just throw out without looking at them. The stuff that I thought would sell didn't sell. We have a dishwasher that needs repairs and a coffeetable out there. The dishwasher I thought might be picked up by a repair man who could make a bunch of money on it after he fixed it. I thought someone might need a coffeetable. Apparently, it's just too old and beat-up to buy. Afterall, we got it used from a friend of Olen's when we got married. Poor Olen's still out there trying to clean out what's left in the garage. Why am I not out there, you may ask? I'm watching the baby. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Pre-Party Preparations

Yes, I know that it's been almost two weeks since Aiden's birthday party.
This blog is just about the preparations before the party. The first picture is Aiden playing with the card from his great-grandmother. He liked to play with the card because it was one of those swinging cards. You stand it up and it has a portion that will swing when you touch it. The second photo is of the table and its decorations. We did a sundae bar to go with his cake. I put the toppings in little baby food jars. The next picture is a close-up of the cake I made for him to mess-up, I mean eat. I was going to make the frosting from scratch. When I sent Olen to the grocery store for a chocolate cake mix, he brought back chocolate frosting ("just in case"). I was actually grateful because my first attempt at frosting tasted bad and was rather soupy. Somehow, soupy frosting didn't seem right! I asked my mom and she kinda looked funny at it and suggested that the store-bought would be a good alternative. :-( I needed to do some frosting to do the writing though. She told me to look in the cookbook that she used all my life. She was right. That recipe worked like a charm. I even got to use the cake decorating kit that my grandma had given me. I thought that considering it was my first decorating attempt that it turned out pretty good. I promise to practice before his next birthday!! The last picture shows part of the circus effect that I put up. I stole the idea from a baby shower (Thanks, Ali!). They used pastel pink and greens for theirs. It looked so cute. The baby shower one was cuter, but I liked the way mine turned out too. I was actually able to mingle with my guest more than most parties since most of it was self-serve. That was a pretty great feeling. That's it for the preparations.
Friday, September 14, 2007
It's sad

BBQ Ribs
Friday, September 7, 2007
Yes, I've given in. I have a myspace page. Forces beyond my control just pushed me in that direction. Now, for those of you who do not have access to myspace, i.e. work prohibits it, I will continue to post here as well. Besides, I talk alot anyway. Now, I just have two forums in which to do it! I'm in the midst of a flurry of party preparations. The house is mostly clean and organized. The table is set. I just need to get some decorations up and prepare the ice cream toppings. Olen will be getting the pizza and ice cream a couple of hours before the party, so any suggestions need to be made soon. I can't believe that my baby is a year old today! Boy, that flew by really, really fast! My first post was about taking the time to appreciate the moment. I tried to do that as much as possible, yet it doesn't feel I got enough moments in. I don't miss the crying moments, but I'd love to relive a few of the giggling fits and dancing moments. Those way outnumbered the crying ones. At least, in my memory, they do! 28 hours 'til party time!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Picnic in the Park

I'm so far behind on blogging. I downloaded some pictures today and discovered some that I took almost a month ago. I need to get more on top of things. Anyway, about a month ago, Olen wanted to go on a picnic. Aiden and I packed a picnic basket and went and met daddy at a park near where he worked. Aiden liked the picnic aspect of the trip. He wasn't really sure about the walking on the grass barefoot part (or rather crawling on the grass). He and Olen did have a squirrel come right up to them looking for food. It was a nice day for a picnic. There was hardly anyone out and in the shade, the temperature was fairly nice.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Just too cute!
Climbing Mt. Everest
One day, not so long ago, Olen and I were sitting in the living room watching tv. Aiden was roaming around playing. The next thing I know, Olen is jumping. He felt something touch the back of his neck. He looked and found that Aiden had climbed up from the back side of the couch all the way to the top of the couch by himself!! We weren't sure how he managed to get up there. I found the evidence the next day. He had climbed onto a little stool. From there, he had climbed onto the chest and then onto the back of the couch. I think my son may love rock climbing when he gets older!

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