Friday, September 21, 2007

Garage Sale

Olen took off a couple of days this week. He held a garage sale to clean out the garage some. I don't know what's more sad: the stuff we put out to sell that was so junky that I was surprised that anyone wanted it or the stuff that I was too much of a pack-rat to give up! There were boxes of clothes that I just loved that I vow that one day I'll get back into. There were bunches of papers and nick-nacks that I should probably just throw out without looking at them. The stuff that I thought would sell didn't sell. We have a dishwasher that needs repairs and a coffeetable out there. The dishwasher I thought might be picked up by a repair man who could make a bunch of money on it after he fixed it. I thought someone might need a coffeetable. Apparently, it's just too old and beat-up to buy. Afterall, we got it used from a friend of Olen's when we got married. Poor Olen's still out there trying to clean out what's left in the garage. Why am I not out there, you may ask? I'm watching the baby. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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