Christmas Wish List
I want everything!!!!
Just kidding! But somehow it does feel that way this year.
I want:
The near impossible:
1. a new cell phone, the LG Muziq in pink (but my contract can't be renewed 'til next May for the discount)
2. a new mp3 player from Creative with 32gb and all the bells and whistles
3. books and TIME to read them
4. another baby would be nice (God are you listening???)
5. ALL my debts to be paid off (again, God???)
6. A girls only ALL night event(no kids) of scrapbooking, chick flicks and lots of good food (i'll even cook and bake some)
7. a 32" LCD HD flat panel tv for my bedroom
8. Sling box pro and someone to connect it
The more probable:
1. Anne of Green Gables trilogy (it's great for a girls night in)
2. CSI Miami season 5 on DVD
3. Invasion of the Body Snatchers DVD (the original)
4. An indoor grill
5. Any Steeple Hill book (they're the publisher)
6. Two rectangle Pampered Chef baking stones
7. the sand and mortar for my back patio and someone to put my patio stones down
8. a red dress that I look beautiful in
9. Tetris pc game
10. any homemade goodies are also appreciated
11. an electric shaver (