We've been going for walks lately. Olen, Aiden, Izzy (the dog), and I have been walking two miles every other day. It's been good for us. The other night we were setting out for our walk. Olen had Izzy on her leash and I was getting the stroller out of the back of the truck. Aiden was in the yard and suddenly dashed over to me crying. I looked down at him and his feet were covered by fire ants!! Poor baby!! I hurriedly dashed them off of him and ran to get some cortizone cream. His little feet actually don't look that bad in this photo. He's been handling it pretty well. Every once in a while he'll come to me and hold up his foot for me to put some more cream on it for him.

Friday was my mom's birthday. So we made some cupcakes. She also got a big hug from Aiden.
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