Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aiden's new truck

Aiden's grandma decided that Aiden needed a new ride-on toy. Mind you, he has several already. But he needed a big one, so she said. So, we hit garage sales. Two days in a row. Early in the morning. Both days. Aiden and I were both exhausted. We didn't do very well the first morning. Or should I say that Mom and I didn't do well. Aiden did very well. Especially since he has no money. The first garage sale that we stopped at was another mom like me. Little room, lots and lots of toys. So, when Aiden decided that a toy jeep was his favorite, she gave it to him for free. Nice lady, lucky kid. Next stop, we found some stuff and Aiden found an old cell phone. When we asked the man how much for the phone, he told us that Aiden could have it. Score 2 for the boy. Saturday was the jackpot for him though. He saw this car at a garage sale and played with it for a moment and then moved on. But as we were leaving, he grabbed it and proceeded to drag it to the car. We guessed that meant that he wanted it after all! After we got home, he insisted on playing in it non-stop. If he was inside, he'd demand to go outside. Then, he'd go and just sit in it happily. Just like any guy with a new truck!!!

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