Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day at the Beach

On Tuesday, Olen took off and we all headed down to Galveston for a family day. We headed down around 11 am and stopped at McDs for lunch on the way. We then met up with Susan, Shelbie, and Sarah at the Palm beach at Moody Gardens. It's like a small water park. Aiden had a blast playing at the water park.

He was trying to make friends with everyone at the park. Afterwards, Olen, Aiden, Shelbie and I went driving down the Sea wall. We sat a while and watched the pelicans diving into the water for their dinner. It was really cool to see the huge splashes they made in the distance. We then went out to the eastern side of the island and watched the birds fly around and the ships go in and out. Olen got some great shots of Shelbie. He claims he got a couple of good shots of me as well, but I haven't seen those. Aiden was napping throughout this time, so we didn't get any shots of him. Next, we met back up with Susan and Sarah who had gone to get Lloyd. We met at a restaurant called Shrimp and Stuff. They had the best poboys. Olen loved their gumbo. It was nice and relaxing to just hang out. Overall, it was a very successful vacation day. I think that we just might have to repeat the experience sometime soon.

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