Just posting a note quickly to let everyone know that we are all safe. Olen had to go on a call to Wharton County right before the storm hit, but came back safely before the storm really hit our side of town. Thank God. It was scary waking up to the winds howling like a tornado outside our windows. We had no damage to the house or our vehicle. Our fence got blown done some. Some trees fell in the neighborhood. But God has blessed us with the most awesome neighbors in the whole world. Abiel and Rosie have a generator and asked if we'd like to plug our fridge into it, so we only lost a half gallon of ice cream. Abiel also made sure that our fence got fixed so that we could let the dog outside without worrying since Olen was having to work constantly. He also ran a mower over our front lawn to knock the debris off. Plus, a huge tree portion (I'd say limb, but that doesn't quite cover it) from another neighbor's tree that was in the street in front of our house "mysteriously" disappeared. So if you feel like praying some massive blessings into someone's life, send them Abiel and Rosie's life.
In general, everyone that I've been able to hear from has survived the storm. I did have one friend who, as she puts it, has a new skylight in her bedroom. My cousin Alicia has power down in Pasadena and so do a few people that my mom works with, but most still don't have any power. We were lucky and still have running water. My mom wasn't as lucky in that area, so we (Aiden, mom, and I) have come over to San Antonio for a few days.
When Abiel and another neighbor stopped a Centerpoint worker in our area, he told them that it would be a minimum of 4 days or a maximum of 4 weeks before we got power back. That was on Monday. As of this morning, when I talked to Olen, our neighbors behind us had gotten power, but we hadn't yet. So, at least we have hope that they are working in the area! I hope that the rest of you that I haven't heard from are okay. To the rest of the world....Enjoy having lights!!