Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Black Beans

Aiden just loves black beans. I decided to make black beans and tortillas for lunch today. He kept wanting more and more and more. It's a wonder that his little tummy could hold that many beans! Now, he looks kinda like those Halloween costumes where the kids dress up like tramps. But he's very happy! The last photo looks like a celebrity trying to avoid the paparazzi. In actuality, he wanted to play with the camera.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cupcakes and Fire Ants

We've been going for walks lately. Olen, Aiden, Izzy (the dog), and I have been walking two miles every other day. It's been good for us. The other night we were setting out for our walk. Olen had Izzy on her leash and I was getting the stroller out of the back of the truck. Aiden was in the yard and suddenly dashed over to me crying. I looked down at him and his feet were covered by fire ants!! Poor baby!! I hurriedly dashed them off of him and ran to get some cortizone cream. His little feet actually don't look that bad in this photo. He's been handling it pretty well. Every once in a while he'll come to me and hold up his foot for me to put some more cream on it for him.

Friday was my mom's birthday. So we made some cupcakes. She also got a big hug from Aiden.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Aiden at Micky D's

This is just a quick video of Aiden at the playground at McDonald's, one of Aiden's favorite activities.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The talents of a two year old

We were out at Chili's one day and Aiden wanted something to drink. He couldn't seem to decide between daddy's diet coke and grandma's iced tea. So, he just had some of both! I'd forgotten how silly toddlers can be!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

At one point while we were in San Antonio, Aiden started running back and forth between his grandmas giving them big hugs. It was such a sweet moment. Of course, Mama doesn't get a hug at all during this love feast. Oh well! Smile.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Aiden and G-ma sleeping

After the hurricane, Aiden was so tired. We went with my mom to San Antonio. When we're there, my grandma sleeps on the couch. One night, Aiden decided to crawl up beside her for a minute. He pulled up the quilt and promptly fell asleep. He's so sweet when he's asleep!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

G-ma dressing Aiden

Aiden likes to help get himself dressed. Unfortunately, his great-grandma doesn't know his eccentricities. So, they got a little stuck!! Just a quick cute video.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Messy Toddler

This video was shot in San Antonio. Mom, Aiden, and I decided to evacuate from the hurricane's aftermath. Apparently, Aiden was a little stressed. We went to Babies R Us to buy him some extra pacifiers and he spent the rest of the week walking around with a pacifier in each hand. Poor baby!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My son the ham

I was taking pictures the other day of something that I was going to sell on Ebay. My son, seeing the camera out, dashed over. Apparently, if the camera is out, it's meant to be taking pictures of him! So, I obliged. Here are a few photos of our impromptu photo shoot.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hurricane Ike pics

The first electric company vehicle that I saw on the roads after the storm. We were so excited! Then we had to wait almost two weeks before our house had power.

This is a station near Old Town Spring.

This was going into Old Town Spring.

This was a street off of Aldine Westfield.

Yeah, I know, everyone else has posted their pics a long time ago. But some of those people got power before I did and don't have an active toddler!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Continuing of blogging from Sept


Here are a few more pics from Aiden's birthday. The first one was of his car cake. I was attempting to make it look like Lightning McQueen from the Cars movie. As you can see, it turned out....interesting. The good news is that I got the colors right. My mom helped me decorate the cake, and as they say, she is not to blame for any inaccuracies! In the end, Aiden's favorite part, as always, was the ice cream.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

So behind....

The storm did it.....that's my story and I'm sticking to it! I am almost a month behind on blogging. So, I'll go back to the first week of September and start again. These pics are from Aiden's birthday. The top one is from his birthday dinner. The second was his present from his grandma, a little ride in firetruck. He loved his presents. He even loved having a gift bag to put toys in so he could carry them around with him! I have more birthday pics, but I figured that I would keep each post short and sweet. So, you'll see those on the next post.