Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Easter 2009, Part One

Chocolate Bunny Car, how perfect is that for a boy who loves cars?!

Aiden's favorite Easter present-TRAINS!!!

Aiden figured out that we were going on a trip and couldn't wait to get out the door and on the road to G-ma's.

Friday, April 24, 2009


This day he apparently just got really, really tired. He got really quiet and I turned to look for him and he was asleep right behind me. Poor Baby!

The beginning of baseball season, yipee!!!

Aiden in his cute baseball outfit...

This was the first try of getting a photo of the outfit. He wrapped himself up in his blanket and I couldn't get it, but he looked so sweet.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Aiden stacked up all the cushions from the couch, then climbed up on them like they were a stage. Then he proceeded to sing his little heart out!

being just like daddy

wrapping his guitar in a blanket so it can take a nap, lol!

helping mommy taste test chocolate peanut butter bars

Thursday, April 16, 2009

At least these are more recent...

Great fun in the tub
I couldn't decide if his hands were cold or if he was helping me dust!

wearing new train p.j.s, he couldn't decide between the pants and the shorts, so he wore both!

Ok, I'm starting to catch up on putting photos on here. Slowly, but surely! :-)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More random photos

Aiden discovered that this cushion made a good sleeping bag. I didn't even know he knew what sleeping bags were?!

Sitting next to the fire is one of Aiden's favorite pastimes.

Aiden wearing mommy's slippers.

This is Aiden enjoying the box mommy's food processor came in, as much as mommy enjoyed having the new processor!

This is Aiden playing in a mud puddle that he created. He discovered how to make the water hose come on. He's definitely all boy!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

This is Aiden taking me for a walk. ;-D
Aiden loves balloons and this particular one was received at a Red Robin. Yummm.

This is Aiden being good while we're at a going away celebration for a friend.

In this one, you can almost see Aiden's double bruises from attending his first birthday party(other than his own).

My absolutely wonderful husband :-D

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Last of the January photos

Most of these photos are from Shelbie and Sarah's birthday party in January. Aiden had a blast. At least until the swing hit him in the head :-( He only cried because a dozen 8 year old girls all screamed. Poor baby. But all is well. The bottom photo is one of him "smiling for the camera."