Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Far Behind

Yes, it's been a while since I've blogged, really blogged. I've put a few photos of Aiden on here in hopes of keeping friends and family appeased. If it makes you feel better, I'm far behind in everything else too. I just put polish on my fingernails for the first time in almost a month. My list of items I'm behind on? Facebook requests, emails, unpacking from this weekend's out of town trip, mopping, dusting, laundry....and the list goes on and on. And add to that the fact that I'm a little OCD about being organized and that I'm trying to make our lives healthier by adding trips to the gym and healthier dinners. Yesterday, I started to get a bad headache. I had one last week that sidelined me most of the day. I told my loving hubby about them and he pointed out that they're probably related to my blood pressure being too high due to stress. Great. I'm a stay-at-home mom, what could I be stressed about?! Oh yeah, that to do list of self-imposed perfection. Why do we do that to ourselves??
So, let's take a step back...why is this stuff really on our list? We want life to be easier and more stress-free. Hmm, let's throw out that to do list!!!! (Sigh of relief) .....but wait...I need some clean laundry to wear tomorrow....and my family might want to have food to eat for dinner...hmmm, maybe I do need that list after all. I guess I'd better get busy. So if you don't hear from me for a while, just think kindly of me until I can blog, return your fb request, or respond to your email. Just know...thoughts of you are on my to do list!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, girl! Glad to see you've joined the "I haven't blogged in awhile and now I'm catching up." community! LOL!